TPC Wellness truly is making a difference with clients and the counselors make me feel like a human, and not just an addict. They care about us ladies and ensure we leave the facility to succeed. It has meant so much to me. I am grateful for this program and all the staff working here. I have learned so much in the short time I have been here, and I will be forever grateful for that. The Clinical Director is truly making a difference daily and it shows. I want to personally thank her for her dedication and compassion.
TPC Wellness is very much involved and in touch with people in the program and in groups. After seeing what can be done in a limited amount of time, is simply amazing. I feel like a priority within this facility and can see how much the staff truly care… This program is saving my life. The holistic approach is exactly what I needed including emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. I have experienced tremendous healing already in just my first three weeks and feels it is simply unreal. I am so thankful for this journey and everyone here.
I was angry, frustrated and did not see I had more work to do after being in prison. The Mount Orab, OH location has given me a safe place to learn more about integrating back into society. I want to make it in life. I want my kids back and to be with my family. This is tough and the daily learning about my responsibilities is what I need to progress.
TPC Wellness has been very supportive in helping me gain my adult diploma. This will help me become more employable. My case manager takes the time to encourage me, study with me and get to the learning center to achieve this goal. I have culinary and fork lift experience. Now I will have a diploma to use. I am beyond grateful for this program.
I did not even know I had a drinking problem. After multiple DUI’s I was mandated to attend a program. Staff are helping me, meeting other women is helping me. I am spending time examining my daily life. Change is coming.
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Call (855)- 487-2935 to schedule
(855) – 4TPCWELL
1007 North 2nd Street Ironton, Ohio, 45638
502 McCarty Lane, Suite 1 Jackson, Ohio, 45640
149 Mercy Blvd. Mount Orab, Ohio, 45154
48 Randolph Street Wilmington, Oh 45177
1301 Morningside Drive Ashland, KY 41101